Sunday, October 9, 2011

" Girls Gone Child "

I found this on accident. I don't know why things happen to me like that... I find what I'm suppose to find I guess. It warmed my heart :) 
All these excerpts are written by Rebecca Woolf, a young mom. She wrote a book which was conveniently on my reading list that I made a month ago. It's titled Rockabye. I finally found someone who I can mildly relate to in a sense... it's like her words are my thoughts. FINALLY, GOD HAS ANSWERED ME! :) So basically she has a blog called "Girl gone Child"(haha) and that is where I stole these from. Here's a link:

"I wasn't afraid to be alone. I wasn't afraid to start over. I was excited. I was relieved."

"The truth was, shallow as it sounds, I missed the party. But parties (as one so quickly learns) never miss you back."

"There is nothing wrong with who I was. Then plus now equals tomorrow. I have no regrets... I am not (nor will I ever be) defined by motherhood, but I will wholeheartedly admit that motherhood has inspired and enabled me to define myself. I would have grown up eventually. I would have been fine, more than fine even. I would have found happiness and love and dot dot dot, but that's not what happened. This is what happened. I got pregnant. I had a baby. I became myself, and THAT is what this blog is all about."

My favorite::
Girl's Gone Child, the blog about parenting and my life as a mother and Archer's life as my child and the adventures in urban-motherhood, and me and my obsession with baby hats and indie rock and how I make it all work. How I have transitioned from life as a writer/odd-job-working/commitment-phobic/care-free/ chain-smoking/table-dancing/thinker to my current life as a work-at-home mother. A mom. Mommy. Woman with offspring.
When I became pregnant, the record stopped. It had been broken, so it wasn't difficult to finish it off. A karate chop to it's ridged heart and CRASH! The pieces were on the floor. A broom and dustbin and all was gone.
I wanted everyone out of my life who had taken from me, taken and not given back. I wouldn't let them near my child. I wouldn't let them near me as he grew inside me. I erased phone numbers, contacts, friends, mostly men who had drained me financially, emotionally-- societal orphans, misfits with skateboards and spiky hair who needed Mommies. I was saving the world, one lost boy at a time but I was killing myself, without even realizing it.

ahhh. :) I love it! 

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